Jacob Si
PhD Student at Imperial College London
I am a Computer Science PhD student at Imperial College London co-advised by Yingzhen Li and Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye. My recent research interests have been in generative models and LLMs within the tabular data domain.
Before joining Imperial, I earned an M.Eng. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an H.BSc. in CS, Stats, and Econs at the University of Toronto. I was also fortunate to be advised by Rahul Krishnan at the Vector Institute, and Jonathan Kao at UCLA where I researched machine learning architectures through deep generative modeling. I am also grateful to my instructors, Jimmy Ba and David Duvenaud, for sparking my initial interest in Machine Learning.
If you are a student interested in research or would like to collaborate, please email me!
‘y.si23‘ @ ‘imperial.ac.uk‘
‘jacobyhsi‘ @ ‘ucla.edu‘
‘jacobyhsi‘ @ ‘cs.toronto.edu‘
Selected Publications [full list]
(*) denotes equal contribution- Under ReviewTreeLLM: Tree-Based Language Model Induces Reasoning for Interpretable Tabular LearningIn Submission.